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Announcement: New Sub-Theme Added to HERA 2024 Conference


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are thrilled to announce an exciting expansion to the HERA 2024 Conference program. A new sub-theme, "Vocational and Technical Education," has been added to our diverse range of discussion topics. This addition reflects our commitment to exploring comprehensive educational landscapes and their impact on society.

The "Vocational and Technical Education" sub-theme is dedicated to showcasing innovative research, practices, and policies in areas such as Tech Prep Education, Apprenticeship Programs, On-Job Training, and Distance Learning Programs, among others. This sub-theme is designed to highlight the significant role vocational and technical education plays in preparing individuals for the workforce, fostering economic development, and promoting lifelong learning.

We cordially invite experts, scholars, practitioners, and anyone with a keen interest in vocational and technical education to contribute to this vibrant discourse. Whether you are involved in developing educational policies, implementing training programs, or researching the latest trends in technical education, your insights and experiences are invaluable to us.

Your contributions will enrich our discussions, help shape the future of vocational and technical education, and provide valuable insights for attendees from around the globe. We look forward to your submissions and to welcoming you to an engaging and enlightening series of presentations and discussions at HERA 2024.

For more information on submission guidelines, registration, and conference details, please visit our website or contact us directly.

Join us in shaping the future of education!

Warm regards and Happy Lunar New Year,

HERA 2024 Secretariat


College of Education, NCCU

The 10th Higher Education Research Association Conference Secretariat,

Department of Education, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan


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 Ministry of Education                             National Science and Technology Council                  National Chengchi University                 University of Taipei

Ministry of Education
National Science and Technology Council 
National Chengchi University

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